Sunday 13 October 2024

13th October

 For the first time this year there was a full turn out from the Bockhill regulars. In a brisk WNW wind there was a good overhead movement of Stock Doves (141 NE) and White/Pied Wagtails (110 also going NE). Other birds of note overhead included a Redpoll (very scarce this autumn), a steady trickle of Siskins and four Tree Sparrows. Around the area there were at least 12 Stonechats, 12 Reed Buntings, 43 Chiffchaffs and three Blackcaps.

The Red-backed Shrike was still at Hope Point, giving better views this morning but it remained flighty and never came too close.

 Late morning Phil found a Yellow-Browed Warbler at Loxley Wood, which all on site managed to see reasonably well. A Ring Ouzel was seen on Kingsdown Leas. 

Phil, Nigel, Jack, Richard, Gerald, Simon and Brendan

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