Sunday, 27 October 2024

27th October

In a light NNW wind (Bockhill's favourite) we enjoyed a better than average viz mig on the clifftop. Highlight was a brief juv Rosy Starling which shot through south with a group of Common Starlings. Equally frustrating was a calling Woodlark heading north that we failed to pick up in the bright sky. 

The main feature of the session was a steady passage of Stock Doves with 516 eventually logged. There was no movement of Wood Pigeons which had been reported in large numbers from other sites. Finches were represented with six Bramblings, single Greenfinch and Bullfinch, 12 Redpolls and a number of mostly unseen Siskins. A Tree Sparrow went over the Gun Emplacement later. 

At least four Chiffchaffs along the cliff top early morning raised the hope of something arriving from further east but sadly nothing materialised. The end total of Chiffchaffs was 13, along with a single Blackcap. Goldcrests were well down on yesterday but Firecrests numbered five. 

The only other notable observation was a Woodcock, flushed from a stubble field early afternoon. 

Phil, Brendan, Jack and John Cantelo

Stock Doves on the move


Friday, 25 October 2024

25th October

 Good conditions for birding this morning, light winds, good light and it was October.  The only thing that was missing was birds. 

The only things of note were 28 Barn Swallows, six Chiffchaffs, 15 Goldcrests, four Stonechats, five Redpolls and 10 Yellowhammers


Redpolls have been scarce this autumn but a few have been trickling through in the last few days

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

23rd October

  A light SW wind with overcast conditions becoming bright and sunny later gave some hope after rain had curtailed my two previous site visits. Sadly the potential of the day was never realised and apart from two Ring Ouzels near the monument there was not a lot to report. The only warblers were a measly four  Chiffchaffs. 

Stock Doves continue to be on th emove with 76 recorded today. Other notable records included 68 Swallows, five House Martins, eight Song Thrushes, three Redpolls, five Bullfinches and five Goldcrests 

Brendan and Julian Russell

Friday, 18 October 2024

18th October

 57 species recorded this morning which is significantly better than recent efforts especially when regulars like Blackcap and Firecrest were missing. Highlights included a Ring Ouzel at the Gun Emplacement,  two flyover Hawfinches on the Droveway and a Dartford Warbler at Hope Point (Presumably the same bird that Richard has been seeing recently).

Other sightings included 84 Stock Doves, a Golden Plover, a flock of 17 Magpies flying S, 23 Chiffchaffs, seven Goldcrests, 12 Song Thrushes, seven Bramblings, and three Greenfinches


Dartford Warbler- Hope Point

Thursday, 17 October 2024

16th October

 A disappointing day in light SE winds. The only birds of note were a Ring Ouzel in the Paddock, 10 Chiffchaffs, three Blackcaps, 70 Starlings, 62 Swallows, six House Martins and a single late Sand Martin

Brendan, Jack and John Cantelo

Ring Ouzel in the Paddock 

15th October

A big thrush day with large numbers of Redwings arriving early morning in misty conditions.  2,370 arrived during the first hour with a final total of 2,640. The event was all over by 9.00am with only a few birds over after that. Mixed in with them were at least 48 Song Thrushes but surprisingly, no Fieldfare or Ring Ouzels were recorded. 

Other birds of note included 13 Stonechats, 9 Chiffchaffs, one Blackcap, 12 Goldcrests, one Firecrest, two Bramblings. Nigel had two Black Redstarts on the undercliff and Neil Frampton had another at Hope Point 

14th October

National Radde's Day according to DIM Wallace so an effort had to be made today.  Heavy rain during the morning prevented any birding so I wasn't able to get out until early afternoon and then wished I hadn't bothered.  In a strong eastern wind I was only able to manage 14 Chiffchaffs, three Blackcaps, 17 Goldcrests ( a welcome increase) and two Greenfinches 

Late afternoon Richard found a Dartford Warbler on the clifftop

Monday, 14 October 2024

14th October 2024

 On 14th October 1994 Richard Heading went to Bockhill with a birding pal to look for a reported Siberian Stonechat. Whilst walking back from Hope Point a Radde's Warbler flew out of a cliff top bush in front of them. This event sparked a change for three of us and we switched our patch birding to Bockhill rather than the South Foreland Valley. Within a week a Rough-legged Buzzard, Dartford Warbler and a Shore Lark cemented our decision. Thirty years on Bockhill is watched on most days, some of us even live around the edge of the site and with birders who have come and gone we have recorded 282 different species. There have been many highlights including two County firsts but also numerous days when we lament the lack of birds and decent habitats for attracting them. However we still come back and keep looking for that 'Rare' after all 'tomorrow looks good'. Thankyou to all who have provided records and happy memories at this site over the past years and hopefully for years to come.     

Sunday, 13 October 2024

13th October

 For the first time this year there was a full turn out from the Bockhill regulars. In a brisk WNW wind there was a good overhead movement of Stock Doves (141 NE) and White/Pied Wagtails (110 also going NE). Other birds of note overhead included a Redpoll (very scarce this autumn), a steady trickle of Siskins and four Tree Sparrows. Around the area there were at least 12 Stonechats, 12 Reed Buntings, 43 Chiffchaffs and three Blackcaps.

The Red-backed Shrike was still at Hope Point, giving better views this morning but it remained flighty and never came too close.

 Late morning Phil found a Yellow-Browed Warbler at Loxley Wood, which all on site managed to see reasonably well. A Ring Ouzel was seen on Kingsdown Leas. 

Phil, Nigel, Jack, Richard, Gerald, Simon and Brendan

12th October

Highlight today was a Red-backed Shrike found at Hope Point by Richard. It was elusive, always distant and the weather at times was poor. None of this helped in confirming its identity. While at Hope Point we had three Hawfinches fly over, one of which pitched down into the bushes , where it remained unseen for 20 minutes before flying south.

Richard, Jack, Phil, Nigel and Brendan

Friday, 11 October 2024

11th Oct

 A Yellow-browed Warbler is still present in the Farm Wood. 

The only other bird of note today were a nice male Ring Ouzel at Hope Point, where a Woodlark flew over heading north, 42 Chiffchaffs and two Blackcaps 


Saturday, 5 October 2024

5th October

Our first two Yellow-browed Warblers of the year showed reasonably well in the Farm Wood this morning. The other highlight include a Dartford Warbler, briefly along Kingsdown Leas.

Other than these notable birds there wasn't a lot to get excited about. There were around 70 Chiffchaffs, 12 Blackcaps, 90 Barn Swallows, 11 House Martins, 15 Stonechats. 

Brendan, Phil, Richard and Nigel

Yellow-browed Warblers in Farm Wood

Friday, 4 October 2024

4th October

 A light SE wind resulted in a promising start with Chiffchaffs seemingly everywhere amd a final count of around 142. 14 Blackcaps were also recorded. There had been a small arrival of Song Thrushes (8) and Dunnocks (21) were more obviously than usual. A single Whinchat was associating with 12 Stonechats on the clifftop, while overhead there were three Grey Wagtails, 16 Pied/White Wagtails, four Bramblings. Small numbers of Skylarks were trickling through all morning. 

 More detail on eBird 



3rd October

 A blustery NE wind made viewing quite difficult at time and apart from the first Ring Ouzel of the autumn there was little of note. Only 12 Chiffchaffs were recorded along with one Blackcap, four Goldcrests and a Firecrests.

Jack and Simon spent the morning sea watching in the bay


Wednesday, 2 October 2024

2nd October

A light northerly wind offered a little hope of some improvement in migrants but it was not to be! Best of the day was an increase in Stonechats, with 18 together along the clifftop. The only warblers recorded were 42 Chiffchaffs and five Blackcaps. Other birds of not included five Goldcrests, two Firecrests, 16 Siskins ( probably more -most were heard only), three Bramblings and a single Golden Plover. At sea 220 Brents flew south in a single flock

Tomorrow may be better



30th September

 A strong south or SW wind induced us to spent some time looking at the sea today. Phil tried in the morning but the visibility was poor so we reconvened after the rain in the early afternoon. In two hours from the blockhouse in the bay we recorded seven Arctic Skuas, 120 Sandwich Terns, two Arctic Terns, two Common Terns, nine Dunlin and a Red-throated Diver

Phil and Brendan