Saturday 5 October 2024

5th October

Our first two Yellow-browed Warblers of the year showed reasonably well in the Farm Wood this morning. The other highlight include a Dartford Warbler, briefly along Kingsdown Leas.

Other than these notable birds there wasn't a lot to get excited about. There were around 70 Chiffchaffs, 12 Blackcaps, 90 Barn Swallows, 11 House Martins, 15 Stonechats. 

Brendan, Phil, Richard and Nigel

Yellow-browed Warblers in Farm Wood

Friday 4 October 2024

4th October

 A light SE wind resulted in a promising start with Chiffchaffs seemingly everywhere amd a final count of around 142. 14 Blackcaps were also recorded. There had been a small arrival of Song Thrushes (8) and Dunnocks (21) were more obviously than usual. A single Whinchat was associating with 12 Stonechats on the clifftop, while overhead there were three Grey Wagtails, 16 Pied/White Wagtails, four Bramblings. Small numbers of Skylarks were trickling through all morning. 

 More detail on eBird 



3rd October

 A blustery NE wind made viewing quite difficult at time and apart from the first Ring Ouzel of the autumn there was little of note. Only 12 Chiffchaffs were recorded along with one Blackcap, four Goldcrests and a Firecrests.

Jack and Simon spent the morning sea watching in the bay


Wednesday 2 October 2024

2nd October

A light northerly wind offered a little hope of some improvement in migrants but it was not to be! Best of the day was an increase in Stonechats, with 18 together along the clifftop. The only warblers recorded were 42 Chiffchaffs and five Blackcaps. Other birds of not included five Goldcrests, two Firecrests, 16 Siskins ( probably more -most were heard only), three Bramblings and a single Golden Plover. At sea 220 Brents flew south in a single flock

Tomorrow may be better



30th September

 A strong south or SW wind induced us to spent some time looking at the sea today. Phil tried in the morning but the visibility was poor so we reconvened after the rain in the early afternoon. In two hours from the blockhouse in the bay we recorded seven Arctic Skuas, 120 Sandwich Terns, two Arctic Terns, two Common Terns, nine Dunlin and a Red-throated Diver

Phil and Brendan