Saturday, 26 May 2018

24th May 2018

A Hobby flew past the house around 16.00, then about half an hour later a flock of hirundines started feedingover the area between Northcote Road and Oldstairs Road. Given the paucity of House Martins this Spring it was remarkable enough that they comprised of approximately 40 of this species, but then a Red-rumped Swallow came into view. As other birders arrived to enjoy it, one became two and they stayed in the area until 20.45 when the flock headed off towards Deal. I know it's not a really rare bird, but we don't often have things that stick around and are twitchable!

In the evening, Nigel and Gerald managed to see an adult Long-tailed Skua which was tracked off the Kent coast from Dungeness eastwards.

Red-rumped Swallow (Gerald Segelbacher)

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