Bockhill was able to contribute a few interesting records to KOS's Bird Migration day. There was a small steady passage of Meadow Pipits (110) and Chaffinches (45) during the first couple of hours plus the odd Skylark (11) moving south. More unusual were at least nine Great Spotted Woodpeckers moving north during the morning. Also moving overhead were at least 10 Grey Wagtail, 9 Pied Wagtails, four Siskins, three Reed Buntings. 18 Barn Swallows went through and a group of around 30 House Martins fed in the lee of the Empty Wood before moving off. Around mid morning there was a little pulse of Common Buzzards with around 15 seen coming in and heading inland.
There were few grounded migrants and a reduction in warblers from earlier in the week. In all 108 Chiffchaffs were recorded along with 23 Blackcaps and a single Whitethroat. There were at least eight Stonechats along the Clifftop and another three in the Freedown. A Whinchat appeared briefly near the Freedown mid morning before heading inland. The only other migrants recorded were three Firecrests and three Goldcrests.
Jack, Simon, Brendan, Richard and Nigel