Sunday, 26 March 2023

25th March 2023

From 06-30 to 11-15 we stood at the clifftop and watched for any migration. The only birds of note were 216 Chaffinches,  two Red Kites, 15 Common Buzzards, a Greylag Goose and, bird of the day, an Alpine Swift that gave very brief views as it flew in a SW direction.

Richard, Simon. Jack.

Sunday, 19 March 2023

19th March 2023

A couple hours seawatching in the Bay with birds moving N produced 52 Red-throated Divers, 134 Brent Geese, a Red-breasted Merganser, six Common Scoters and seven Auks. On the sea were 28 Great Crested Grebes and a Shag. Feeding offshore was a Common Seal and two Harbour Porpoises.

Simon, Jack.

Sunday, 12 March 2023

12th March 2023

 Again very little about apart from a Chiffchaff and two Stonechats. Met Richard who had seen a Firecrest, two Grey Partridges and one of the Ravens. We continued on, through the Paddock, to the Monument where we had a Short-eared Owl.

After a call from Nigel we were off to the Undercliffe to see a Black Brant that he had found on the rocks. There was also a Black Redstart and a Scandanavian Rock Pipit there, with another Chiffchaff on the beach.

Richard, Nigel, Jack. 

11th March 2023

Very little today apart from four Stonechats and a Chiffchaff on the clifftop. Also a Chiffchaff in the Farm Wood. 

Richard, Jack.

Tuesday, 7 March 2023

5th March 2023

 A seawatch from 07-30 until 11-00 produced 365 Gannets, 145 Red-throated Divers,88 Brent Geese and four Curlews all moving upchannel. Whilst offshore were 25 Great Crested Grebes and 15 Auks. 

Also feeding offshore were two Common Seals and three Harbour Porpoises.

Simon. Jack