Saturday, 20 August 2022

20th August 2022

The entire area was walked today producing one Whimbrel, one Yellow and two Alba Wagtails, one Hobby, two Swifts, 40 House Martins and four Sand Martins, all overhead.

Grounded there was one Wheatear, two Stonechats, one Reed Warbler, five Blackcaps, 10 Lesser Whitethroats, 36 Whitethroats and 12 Willow Warblers. 

Also of note were at least four Wasp Spiders at Hope Point.

Brendan, Nigel, Richard, Jack.

19th August 2022

A walk to Hope Point and the Freedown produced two Swifts, 45 Swallows and 100 House Martins. In the Freedown were 87 House Sparrows and four Grey Partridges. Elsewhere there was a Sedge Warbler, eight Lesser Whitethroats, seven Whitethroats, and nine Willow Warblers. 


Whilst Heather was painting in her kitchen at Kingsdown she was visited by this Redstart.   


18th August 2022

 More birds today mainly around the Hope Point area, three Yellow Wagtails, two Wheatears, three Whinchats, three juv Stonechats, a Redstart, a Grasshopper Warbler, three Reed Warblers, five Lesser Whitethroats, five Whitethroats, 10 Willow Warblers and a Spotted Flycatcher.

Brendan, Richard.  

17th August 2022

Not much around today apart from a Grey Partridge, two Wheatears, three Lesser Whitethroats and four Whitethroats.

Phil. Richard. 

Monday, 8 August 2022

8th August 2022

 An early morning walk around the area produced very few birds apart from two Wheatears and two young Stonechats on the fence down to Hope Point, three Willow Warblers around the Farm, a flyover Raven and at least 50 House Sparrows around the Monument.

Phil, Jack.