Monday, 23 March 2020

23rd March 2020

Another bitterly cold day with a brisk ESE wind and sunny skies.

A short circuit around the Paddock, Droveway and Freedown during which time I didn't see a single other person! Sadly the birds were similarly scarce with three Firecrest (two Droveway and one in Wood) being the highlight. Siskins were again moving with one group of 11 seen and other groups heard but not seen. No Chiffchaffs were encountered

Sunday, 22 March 2020

22nd March 2020

Even colder today when Richard and I walked round the area and had 8 Chiffchaffs and a Firecrest.
Later I was joined by Phil and we stood on the Leas for about 30 minutes and had 61 Siskins flying into the NE wind.

21st March 2020

In a cold NE wind the area was walked by Richard, Brendan and Phil from 06:30 to 10:00. Notable birds were 25 Crossbills, a White Wagtail, 3 Blackcaps, 10 Chiffchaffs and 4 Firecrests.
The local Raven and Peregrine were also seen along the cliffs.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

14th March 2020

On a horrible wet windy cold day we walked the area and had seven Firecrests, two Blackcaps, two Chiffchaffs, a Stonechat and the usual Raven and Peregrine.
Richard, Phil, Jack

Sunday, 8 March 2020

7th March 2020

On a nice sunny but cold day we walked the area and had four Alba Wagtails. one of which was a White Wagtail, all moving west along the clifftop and elsewhere singles of Chiffchaff, Firecrest and Goldcrest. At sea there were several Great Crested Grebes, a couple of Red-throated Divers and a Harbour Porpoise.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

3rd March 2020

Around the area birds of note were 3 Chiffchaffs in the Farm Wood, 4 Stonechats at Hope Point, 2 Buzzards displaying over the Big Field and a Raven croaking and annoying the local Jackdaws on the clifftop.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

1st March 2020

On the first reasonable day with pleasant sunshine there was a Chiffchaff by the Monument, another in the Farm Wood, 4 Stonechats between the Rough and Oldstairs and a female Peregrine constantly patrolling the clifftop.
Richard, Jack

Later Nigel had a Red Kite near Oxley Court probably the same one that has been around for  the last three days.

Richard had 2 Blackcaps, a male and a female, in Dusky Hollow in the afternoon.