Monday, 30 September 2019

30th September

There appeared to be another influx of Chiffchaffs with a final count of 102 this afternoon including 25 together at Hope Point. The Paddock held good numbers of Blackcaps (36) but elsewhere I was only able to find a further seven birds. A single Whitethroat at Hope Point was the only other warbler seen. Other birds included six Blackcaps, a single Whinchat ( at the Gun Emplacement), nine Goldcreast and a single Redwing. There was a trickle of Swallows and Meadow Pipits going over throughout the afternoon.


Another good Chiffchaff day with 102 today (BR)

Sunday, 29 September 2019

28th September

From 06:16 -08:15 birds were moving W into the wind and at the Monument we recorded 2719 Swallows, 1790 House Martins, 1059 Meadow Pipits, two Rock Pipits, 12 Alba Wagtails, a Grey Wagtail, 110 Linnets, 35 Starlings and six Reed Buntings. Also of note were nine Jays coming in off the sea. Grounded migrants included four Stonechats, 31 Blackcaps, 54 Chiffchaffs, 42 Goldcrests and one Firecrest.
Gerald, Phil, Jack 

27th September

An hours walk around the area in a very blustery south westerly that made it difficult to see birds in the bushes, only hear them, we recorded a Whinchat, three Stonechats, 30 Chiffchaffs and 30 Goldcrests. There was also a trickle of Meadow Pipits and hirundines, mainly Swallows.
Heather, Jack

Thursday, 26 September 2019

23rd September

There seemed to be a fresh arrival of Chiffchaffs especially in the Paddock and we finally counted 61 in the whole area, along with 18 Blackcaps, two Whitethroats, one Lesser Whitethroat, seven Goldcrests and a single Firecrest. Two Reed Buntings and four "alba" Wagtails were the only other birds of note

Jack and Brendan

Monday, 23 September 2019

22nd September

At last we have some reasonable overhead movement with birds flying W, we had five Great Spotted Woodpeckers, 1538 Swallows, eight Sand Martins, 750 Meadow Pipits, one Tree Pipit, three Rock Pipits, 18 Pied Wagtails, five Grey Wagtails, three Yellow Wagtails, one Siskin and four Reed Buntings.
Grounded migrants included 12 Stonechats, 17 Blackcaps, three Whitethroats, four Lesser Whitethroats, 36 Chiffchaffs, three Firecrests, six Goldcrests and our second Yellow-browed Warbler of the autumn.
Phil, Richard, Brendan, Jack. 

Saturday, 21 September 2019

21st September

On arrival at 07:30 we walked down the front to Hope Point where we had our first migrant, a Lesser Whitethroat. At the undercliff we had a Firecrest but little else. After receiving a call from Richard about a Yellow-browed Warbler he had near his house we continued there but were unable to find the bird. From Kingsdown we walked over the golf course to the Rough and then via the Farm to the Paddock and the Monument. On the way we had two Grey Wagtails, a Stonechat, one Lesser Whitethroat, eight Blackcaps, a total of 43 Chiffchaffs, three Firecrests and probably 15 Goldcrests.
Later we heard from Gerald that he had a Merlin in of the sea being hassled by an Arctic Skua.
Gerald, Richard, Phil, Jack.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

18th September

A tough day with little to write home about. Chiffchaff numbers were down to 65 and Blackcaps to 11. The only other warbler seen were three Lesser Whitethroats. It was possibly the first day since May when no Whitethroats were seen. Other birds of "interest" were six Goldcrests and two Grey Wagtails over.

Jack and Brendan

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

17th September

A shorter visit today with less areas covered and consequently lower warbler numbers. A good start just after dawn with the first tree in the Paddock holding a Spotted Flycatcher and a Black Redstart. The Paddock was again crawling with Chiffchaffs, contributing to a grand total of around 105. Blackcaps numbered 32 and there was also three Lesser and three Common Whitethroats. A single Reed Warbler was in the usual place at Hope Point along with the first Reed Bunting of the autumn. 14 Goldcrests were encounters but only two Stonechats today.  Around 1,200 House Martins flew north. Most disturbing sight of the day was a dog harassing the sheep while the owner continued with their walk, seemingly oblivious to the mayhem their playful pet was causing. Although it was only a small dog, it did seem to cause one fatality. One sheep was left motionless with Magpies and Ravens in attendance. The incident along with a supporting set of photos has been reported to the police.

First Reed Warbler of the autumn at Hope Point (BR)

Its been a good few days for Spotted Flycatchers, with another two today (BR)

Chiffchaffs continue in good numbers especially around the Paddock (BR)

Monday, 16 September 2019

16th September

Another great day in terms of warbler numbers and a notable early arrival of Stonechats but otherwise disappointing.  Some places like the Paddock and Gun Emplacement were heaving with Chiffchaffs and the final total was around 210, along with an impressive showing of 148 Blackcaps. Other warblers were represented by four Whitethroats, five Lesser Whitethroats. 12 Goldcrests provided another sign of autumn progressing. Several small groups of Stonechats were encounter adding up to 15 along with a single Whinchat. Yesterday's Spotted Flycatchers seemed to have moved on although there was one at Ship House. There may also have been a small arrival of Song Thrushes with eight counted along with two Mistle Thrushes flying north. Overhead there were two Yellow Wagtails, 120 House Martins.

Jack and Brendan

15 Stonechats were seen in the area today. (BR)

Chiffchaffs were everywhere today (BR)

Spotted Flycatcher at Ship House (BR)

Sunday, 15 September 2019

15th September

Another  day of the usual warbler species, Whitethroats, Lesser Whitethroats, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, totalling over 360. Other notable birds included a Redshank, five Sparrowhawks, seven Grey Wagtails, two Alba Wagtails, nine Stonechats, three Whinchats, two Wheatears, three Grasshopper Warblers, six Spotted Flycatchers. We also had circa 1000 House Martins and 300 Swallows feeding across the fields and, possibly our best birds of the day, six Tree Sparrows at the Monument.
Gerald, Richard, Phil, Jack

Tree Sparrow (Gerald Segelbacher)

Saturday, 14 September 2019

14th September

Sunny conditions with relatively light NNW winds produced little new. Chiffchaffs again topped the bill with 68, mostly in the Paddock first thing. These seemed to disperse fairly quickly and we encountered a few on the clifftop as we walked back to the Monument suggesting some new arrivals. Blackcaps numbered 47, plus seven Whitethroats, eight Lesser Whitethroats, two Reed Warblers and a single Willow Warbler. A Redstart was in the Paddock first thing and the Gun Emplacement held single Whinchat and Stonechat. There were three Wheatears in the Big Field.  Other birds of note included single Yellow, Grey and Alba Wagtails, a mistle Thrush going north and nine Goldcrests.

Jack and Brendan

Friday, 13 September 2019

13th September

With a north westerly breeze a little more migration was expected, however we did have a reasonable amount of warblers with a Reed Warbler, five Whitethroats, 11 Lesser Whitethroats, 11 Blackcaps and 46 Chiffchaffs. We also had our first Stonechat of the autumn, two Redstarts, six Goldcrests, a Grey Wagtail and a small movement west of 37 Meadow Pipits.
Brendan, Jack.   

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

10th September

Good conditions compared to yesterday allowing reasonable coverage of the whole area. Other than a Cattle Egret that flew South over Hope Point at 7.50 am (Richard had seen it moments before over Kingsdown) birding was disappointing. Six Goldcrest was the only suggestion of new arrivals. Other birds of note included 45 Chiffchaffs, 39 Blackcaps, four Whitethroats,  and two Lesser Whitethroats while overhead there was four Grey Wagtails, 28 Meadow pipits plus regular small parties of Swallows


9th September

I was only able to cover the Paddock before heavy rain set in and birding was abandoned for the day.  Around the Paddock there were 23 Chiffchaffs, 25 Blackcaps, three Whitethroats and single Lesser Whitethroats and Reed Warbler.  three Yellow and four Grey Wagtails went over along with 25 Meadow Pipits and four Sand Martins


Sunday, 8 September 2019

8th September

After yesterday there has been a dramatic drop in the numbers of birds in particular the counts of warblers. We had 27 Blackcaps, five Lesser Whitethroats, five Whitethroats and 61 Chiffchaffs. Other than that we had a Ringed Plover in the field, 141 Meadow Pipits in off the sea, four Grey Wagtails and five Yellow Wagtails flying north west, a single Wheatear and Whinchat on the dung heap and a Hobby hunting the big field.
Phil, Richard, Brendan, Simon, Jack.    

Saturday, 7 September 2019

7th September

Similar species as yesterday but in far greater numbers. Warblers totalled 257, which were single Reed and Garden Warblers, 71 Blackcaps, 15 Lesser Whitethroats, 34 Whitethroats, 128 Chiffchaffs and seven Willow Warblers. In the area were nine Wheatears, two Spotted Flycatchers, a Redstart, a Little Owl and three Hobbys. Overhead we had 19 Swifts, c.150 House Martins, a Tree Pipit, two Grey Wagtails and a Yellow Wagtail all flying west and coming in from the sea there was a small movement of Meadow Pipits.
One Great Skua was seen flying down channel.
Gerald, Phil, Richard and family, Brendan, Paul Holt, Jack.

Friday, 6 September 2019

6th September

The first significant arrival of Chiffchaffs this autumn with at least 74 in the area. Other warblers included a solitary Willow Warbler, a Reed Warbler, 36 Blackcaps, six Whitethroats and eight Lesser Whitethroats. Single Spotted Flycatcher (McSwiggans), Pied Flycatcher and Redstart (both Freedown) put in brief appearances. Overhead small groups of Meadow Pipits moved through during the morning totally around 44, while there were two Yellow and a single Grey Wagtail. Four Swifts flew South. By mid morning the wind had picked up and viewing became difficult, so I gave up and went home.

Chiffchaff - one of 74 recorded today (BR)

Thursday, 5 September 2019

5th September

A brisk NW wind failed to deliver anything new or interesting. Warblers were represented by 11 Chiffchaffs, one Willow Warbler, 12 Blackcaps, five Whitethroats and five Lesser Whitethroats. A single Goldcrest and two Grey Wagtails were the only other birds of note.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

4th September

Jack and I met late morning after the morning rains had cleared and covered the Paddock and Freedown before giving up on what seemed like a futile venture. In the short time we were there we recorded nine Chiffchaffs, two Willow Warblers, 18 Blackcaps, nine Whitethroats, four Lesser Whitethroats and single Sedge & Reed Warblers plus a single Goldcrest.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

3rd September

Definitely some new arrivals today with the first Firecrest of the autumn plus three new Goldcrests. Chiffchaffs numbers had increased to 24, while Willow Warblers were down to six. Blackcaps were still the most numerous warbler ( 39), while there were nine Whitethroats and six Lessers. On the chat/flycatcher front there were single Spotted Flycatchers in the Drove Way and at Hope Bay Studios, while there were 4 Wheatears and a Whinchat in the Freedown. A groups of 60 House Martins were feeding along the cliffs along with two late Swifts and seven Med Gulls flew South.

Firecrest- Paddock

Spotted Flycatcher - Drove Way 

Wheatear on the dung heap

Monday, 2 September 2019

2nd September

Remarkably all of yesterday's Whinchats seem to have gone although the Redstart remained in the Freedown. Some sign of the autumn progressing with the first Goldcrests (singles in Paddock and Freedown), a few Meadow Pipits going over and Chiffchaffs (11) outnumbering Willow Warblers (5).  Blackcaps were much in evidence with around 33 but Whitethroats (13) and Lesser Whitethroats (7) seem to dwindling away.  the only other birds of note were five Wheatears, single Grey and Yellow Wagtails and five Swifts

Sunday, 1 September 2019

1st September

A reasonable day with a good selection of common migrants with 18 Whinchats, two Spotted Flycatchers, a Redstart and a single Wheatear. On the warbler front there were six Willow Warblers, five Chiffchaffs, two Reed Warblers, 14 Blackcaps, 19 Whitethroats and 10 Lesser Whitethroats. Very little was again passing overhead with only five Yellow and three Grey Wagtails.

Yesterday's account inexplicably missed off the star bird(s)of the day,  six Pochard down channel

Gerald, Brendan, Jack, Phil and Simon

One of two Spotted Flycatchers in the Freedown
A good day for Whinchats with 18 around the area