Wednesday, 15 November 2017

15th November 2017

A walk around the area produced nothing, the only notable record today was early this morning when Richard had 3 Hawfinches fly over his garden at Kingsdown.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

12th November 2017

Very little apart from 7 Grey Partridges, 2 Snow Buntings and 70 Yellowhammers. (Phil,Jack)

11th November 2017

Phil walked the area this morning and had our first autumn Woodcock, 180 Fieldfares, 30 Redwings,
3 Stonechats, 2 Snow Buntings and 124 Yellowhammers.

9th November 2017

On a cold and beautifully clear morning there was a small overhead migration of Starlings, Goldfinches, Redpolls of which at least three were Common, a single House Martin and a male Hen Harrier that came in at Hope Point and moved off W.
Elwsewhere in the area were good numbers of thrushes with 112 Blackbirds, 38 Song Thrushes, 4 Redwings and 4 Mistle Thrushes. Other notable birds were 150 Skylarks, 2 Stonechats, 7 Bullfinches and a Snow Bunting.
On the sea in the Bay were 70 Mediterranean Gulls.

Sunday, 5 November 2017

5th November 2017

Very little today, the only notable birds being two Sparrowhawks, two Buzzards and singles of Woodlark, Stonechat, Chiffchaff and Firecrest. (Phil, Richard, Jack)

Saturday, 4 November 2017

4th November 2017

A walk in the gloom and showers was brightened up with the discovery of a Pallas's Warbler in the bushes near the toilet block at Kingsdown at 7.30. It was with 12 Long-tailed Tits and 2 Goldcrests, but unfortunately could not be relocated. Also in the area were 2 Firecrests, 2 Ravens and a flock of 350 Starlings in off. (Nigel)
Phil walked the area at Bockhill and had 140 Skylarks, 70 Yellowhammers, 11 Grey and two Red-Legged Partridges in the big field, 40 Redwings, five Fieldfares and 60 Blackbirds in the Freedown, and 20 Goldcrests around the Farm.
There were also 540 Starlings in off the sea. (Phil)  

Friday, 3 November 2017

3rd November 2017

On a very pleasant afternoon Phil and I walked around the area, on the cliff-top we had two Stonechats and  flyovers of Raven and Brambling. In the stubble field were 120 Skylarks and a male Snow Bunting, in the Free Down was a Little Owl and a Long-Eared Owl, and around the Farm a Chiffchaff and a Firecrest.
Richard had a Ring Ouzel at Kingsdown.